Broadmoor Hills is an established covenant protected neighborhood consisting of 140 custom homes nestled at the foothills in southwest Colorado Springs. Homeowners enjoy beautiful views of Cheyenne Mountain, close proximity to Broadmoor Valley Park, the Country Club of Colorado and a short drive to downtown Colorado Springs. Our school district, Cheyenne Mountain School District (D12) has received the Accredited with Distinction status from the Colorado Department of Education and is ranked as one of the top school districts in the state.
Our website is managed by the Broadmoor Hills Homeowners Association (HOA). The Association’s purpose is to preserve the value and desirability of our community and further the interests of our residents.
Serving our homeowners on Laurel Oak Court, Broadmoor Valley Road,
Roxbury Circle, Roxbury Court, Wakefield Drive, Wedgewood Court,
Oakhurst Lane, Regency Drive and Huntington Place *
We welcome you to the Broadmoor Hills neighborhood!
*See Covenants page for areas represented.
Pay your dues now for our new HOA year 2024-25 (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025).
Dues remain at $125 per year per household. Membership to the HOA is voluntary.
Member dues help support the goals of the HOA with our website, insurance, member events, annual meetings,
legal expenses including covenant amendments, printing, post office box, neighborhood and member mailings and supplies.
Pay by mail:
Broadmoor Hills HOA
PO Box 38936
Colorado Springs, CO 80937
Please include the Annual Membership Form with your check.
PAYPAL link below to pay your annual dues
Please email us your completed Membership Form so we have your information to keep you updated on HOA activities at
We’ve created a brochure for our HOA which highlights information about the neighborhood.
The City of Colorado Springs Public Works/Traffic Engineering Division held a public meeting on 3/19/2024 at Broadmoor Elementary School to discuss traffic safety concerns and information regarding potential safety improvements with the community in anticipation of the repaving of Broadmoor Valley Road in 2025 (planned project with the City’s 2C2 program with concrete replacement and repair in 2024 and street paving in 2025).
For more information or for questions,
please email
The HOA was asked by neighbors in 2023 to help facilitate traffic calming on Broadmoor Valley Road, between Roxbury Circle and Regency Drive where several accidents have occurred.
The HOA contacted the City Traffic Engineering Department and outlined the ongoing safety concerns and requested a traffic study be done for this area. The traffic study has been completed and the City Traffic Engineering Department installed in February 2024 chevron signs on the east and west sides of Broadmoor Valley Road to warn motorists of the curves.
Flashing lights were also added in June to highlight the curves and speed limit.
The intent is to slow the traffic and avoid more accidents in this area.
Our neighborhood is protected with covenants running with the land and property in perpetuity which you received when you purchased your home. Property owners should review their covenant information to ensure that our neighborhood standards remain in place – a main reason you chose Broadmoor Hills for your home. Please note that our neighborhood covenants are for ALL property owners regardless of your HOA membership status and that they were created for the benefit of our owners.
Homeowners need to get approval before making certain modifications to their properties as per the covenants. To help streamline and ensure consistency in the required review process, the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) created an Architectural Approval Form for owners to submit for changes to the exterior of their home or property as noted in our covenants for the ACC’s review and approval and applies to all our homeowners in Broadmoor Hills regardless of membership status.
The approval form, ACC information and covenants for each filing are available on our website’s ACC and Covenants pages. Please contact the ACC with questions or request a visit to review your plans.
The ACC is a group of dedicated neighbors helping neighbors, working to preserve the beauty of our community.
Please continue to maintain your home and property as outlined in your covenants. Per the covenants, landscaping needs to be maintained with weed control, trimming shrubs, grass, trees inclusive of removing any dead trees from your property to eliminate fire hazards and removing vegetation growing in your sidewalks and curbs.
Please ensure that your landscaping is not impacting sidewalks or sightlines for our roadways to allow safe clearance for pedestrians and cars (hanging branches from trees and overgrown shrubs and grasses).
During the winter season please remove snow from your sidewalks to allow safe passage for our residents.
Your home and property should continue to be maintained as outlined in our covenants to preserve the beauty of our neighborhood—review the LIVING ENVIRONMENT STANDARDS, SECTIONS 151-160 of your covenants,
We encourage being respectful of your neighbors and our community by helping maintain the desirability and value of our neighborhood – an important reason we all choose to live in the Broadmoor Hills area.
#1 – JULY 14
#2 - OCTOBER 6
The HOA continues to support the Wildfire Mitigation Stewardship Agreement with the CSFD to allow our homeowners reduce the fire threat to their property and the Broadmoor Hills area.
Please remove any dead trees or shrubs from your property to eliminate fire risks and trim your shrubs, grass, and trees to ensure that they are not overhanging or infringing on sidewalks to create a hazard for walkers.
We encourage our neighbors to continue to participate in the CSFD chipping program to ensure our community receives an annual chipping date and to help reduce our wildfire risk. CSFD will also visit your property to review your needs.
This is a FREE community resource.
Thank you for helping to protect our neighborhood!
Please sign up for information so you are alerted to any dangers in our area especially with the recent February fires in Colorado Springs.
Prepare for wildfire with Ready, Set, Go!
Know your wildfire risk, make a plan, and get resources at
Neighbors can get signed up for emergency notifications with Peak Alerts at
Peak Alerts are notifications sent through software called Everbridge, by public safety agencies in El Paso and Teller Counties. Peak Alerts will notify you of emergency situations that are a threat to life or property and are deemed dangerous by public safety officials. Examples of emergency situations may include but is not limited to, natural or man-made disasters, hazardous materials incidents, missing persons, law enforcement activity impacting the public, evacuation notices, and more. To find out how it works, visit
2024 Living with Wildfire
Town Hall Series
The CSFD is hosting a Town Hall Series called Living with Wildfire. This year we will be hosting three community meetings for those living in the City's Wildland Urban Interface. These meetings aim to empower the community to be ready if a wildfire happens.
Topics being discussed are:
All of the meetings will cover the same topics, and there will be plenty of time for questions. All attendees can get signed up for emergency notifications and the neighborhood chipping program at the meeting.
The HOA was asked by neighbors in 2023 to help facilitate traffic calming on Broadmoor Valley Road, between Roxbury Circle and Regency Drive where several accidents have occurred. After numerous conversations with the City Traffic Department, the necessary traffic studies have now been completed and the City will install a curve warning sign with flashing lights around the sign.
In February 2024 the Traffic Department installed chevron signs on the east and west sides of Broadmoor Valley Road to warn motorists of the curves.
Flashing lights were also added in June to highlight the curves and speed limit.
The intent is to slow the traffic and avoid more accidents in this area.
The City has been inspecting sidewalks and curbs throughout the neighborhood this fall (2023) by marking sidewalks and curbs that need repairs/replacement to improve our community and have begun warranty repairs in several areas. Lucky Dog is contacting homeowners with repair project information and start dates and their crews are working hard in our neighborhood.
We are excited to see the concrete and paving improvements that began in May 2021 being done to our sidewalks, curbs, gutters and streets throughout the neighborhood by the City of Colorado Springs Public Works Department and their contractors Lucky Dog and Schmidt Construction have been completed.
Regency Drive and Broadmoor Valley Road (Cheyenne Mountain Boulevard to Star Ranch Drive) including ADA ramps on Roxbury Circle will be completed with the City’s 2C2 program with concrete replacement and repair in 2024 and street paving in 2025. Colorado Springs Utilities plans to replace the water main pipeline on Regency Drive before repairs can commence.
The HOA has worked tirelessly since 2019 on this critical neighborhood infrastructure project and we hope you enjoy and appreciate the transformation of our deteriorated sidewalks, curbs and crumbling streets as you walk and drive through our neighborhood.
Visit our Improvements page for information on this major project for our neighborhood (or click on the HOA IS PAVING THE WAY sign).
Homeowners: download the app to contact the city of Colorado Springs about issues you are experiencing: barking dogs, code enforcement, potholes, sidewalks, streetlights, etc.
Contact the ACC to submit for approval of all material exterior changes.
Keep your eye out for upcoming events and news within Broadmoor Hills.
Access to Colorado Springs resources such as Code Enforcement, Wildfire Mitigation, Police Department, and Crime Stoppers.
Join or renew your membership to the HOA!
Thank you for your support of our neighborhood!
$125 annual dues for 10/1/2024- 9/30/2025
Please email us your completed membership form to be added to our mailing list (download from the Home, HOA or Member pages).